Der Grüne See – During the seasons


Every year from May to July Austrian cold waters divers get excited about a special dive site in our country. The site is called „Der Grüne See“ – „The Green Lake“. This lake is a unique place to dive. As the weather gets warmer and the snow starts to melt it seeps down from the mountains and the valley is filled up with crystal clear water. During this time, the valley reaches a water level of up to 11 meters. The meadow, with all its spring flowers, gets flooded. This means that it is time to head to Styria and put on the dry suit to dive. Due the crystal clear water the visibility reaches up to 40 meters, perfect for underwater imagery, but the temperature is cold at about 4 to 8 Celcius.
The water slowly evaporates, and eventually the valleys will become nearly dry – only for a new flood to start next year.

Der Grüne See hat seinen Namen von seinem Smaragdgrünen kristallklaren Wasser. Am Fuße des Hochschwab Massiv in der Steiermark in Österreich gelegen, entfaltet dieser See von May bis in den Spätsommer seine ganze Schönheit. Beim Einsetzen der Schneeschmelze füllt sich das Tal mit klarem Schmelzwasser und überflutet so die Frühlingswiese mit ihren Blumen und Wanderwegen. Der See erreicht eine Wassertiefe bis zu 11 Meter.

music by / Musik von  Santiago Trigueros

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